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OpenEZX is a project which tries to gather information about the Linux based Motorola EZX phone platform. It tries to provide a 100% free software stack for those phones especially a way to avoid any proprietary filesystem and-or device drivers. It also aims to provide a current (2.6. x) kernel with all required hardware support for the EZX phones.

on A1200 with OpenEZX can give some infos.1
The OpenEZX project is a collaborative effort to collect information about Motorola's EZX GSM phone platform and run Linux on 2

gnufiish OpenEZX OpenBeacon OpenPCD librfid openmrtd opentom.3

5 Things to Look for When Buying a New Cell Phone

If you are looking to upgrade your phone because it is boring or doesn't have all of the features you would like, consider these five things to look for when buying a new cell phone to help you decide which phone is best for you.